Who is Mr. DOM ?

Contact Information

Phone: #450-991-1817


My teacher number is: 909 580 6003

My public Facebook page

Who am I and what am I doing?

Name: Mr. DOM

Real name: Dominique Gauthier

HI! My name is Mr. DOM, I am a 40 something years old living in Bromont, and enjoying every day under the sun. I teach in a wonderful school were magic happens all the time. I teach Grade 1-2 and 3 in English, Physed, Drama and Social Studies

I keep telling myself: "DOM, keep moving forward, open up new doors and always, at least, do one new thing a day!" Why? Because I'm curious... and curiosity keeps leading me down to new paths!

So this is when I got myself very interested in looking at education as its best - ONE where students are out-growing traditional classroom styles faster than most teachers can adapt, ONE where the overwhelming amount of data available can be harnessed as an invaluable tool for shaping instruction, ONE where is a definite need for innovation in order to realize every school and every student's potential.

ENTER MY WEBSITE. Enter: Web 3.0. Are you out there... ready to learn something new?

I started this site as a way to share what I find, to try to make my life as a teacher, richer and easier. I also want to offer students and parents a ton of sharing documents or things I've created over the past couple of years so I can work in a better environment with you!